(NSI News Source Info) Mumbai, India - August 8, 2009: Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor spoke to the media about his upcomingmovie 'Kaminey' (rascal) in India's entertainment capital Mumbai on Thursday(August 28).

Shahid said that it was a Challenge to achieve a completely differentlook. "Challenge to achieve a completely different look and surprise theaudience and it took a lot of work apart from that like I said because therewas a lot background study that we had to do try and make it as authentic aspossible," said Shahid.Shahid Kapoor was confident that his audiences wouldn't be disappointedafter watching the film.
"My audiences who have seen me in the romantic films and my lovestories. I hope that they feel happy about the fact that I'm doing somethingdifferent. They should give me a chance and I hope that they will not bedisappointed. We have tried a lot and I'm very proud of the film that we havemade," Kapoor.
'Kaminey' is about a pair of twin brothers, Charlie & Guddu. Charlielisps while Guddu has a stutter problem. They are as different as chalk andcheese. And they can't stand the sight of each other.
The producer of the film is Rekha Bhardwaj while Vishal Bhardwaj directsit.