Pete Wentz: Ashlee Breast Milk Tastes "Soury" And "Weird"(NSI News Source Info) December 24, 2008: New dad Pete Wentz continues his

oversharing about wife Ashlee Simpson by annoucning Monday he has sampled her breast milk.
Wentz told Sirius radio that baby Bronx's food is "soury" and "weird" but "The baby loves it, it's the only thing he's had a chance to have."
Wentz went on to reveal that Ashlee isn't the only Wentz to put on some pregnancy weight: "I gained 10 pounds at least. I usually hang out around 135, 134, I go up to about 140, and when I hit 148, I get fat face."
He added, "I'm working out a little bit, trying...I mean last night I decided to eat Virgil's [BBQ] at midnight which is never a good idea...I'm feeling that a little bit today. For the most part, we're going on walks - that kind of stuff. I think it comes off easier for her because she gets to breast feed and I don't have the luxury of doing that."
Despite the weight gain, he is ready for more kids:
"I want to have six now. I mean not six specifically, but I want more...I can't imagine that we're stopping, you know what I'm saying? This is like a Journey song, it's like the chorus is just going to keep coming."
Last week Wentz detailed his "awesome" sex life while on Howard Stern's radio show.