Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hollywood-Bollywood collaboration a welcome change

Hollywood-Bollywood collaboration a welcome change
(NSI News Source Info) November 15, 2008: IT WAS a preplanned move, which reaped enormous gains for the Sony Group, when it launched the latest 007 Bond movie ’Quantum of Solace’, in India, before it was released anywhere in the world. The collection was 170 million within a week of its launch, a sufficient proof of outreach of the Indian cinema amongst the fans.
Interestingly enough, Hollywood has been a cause of concern to Bollywood for a quite a long time. Its impact may be assessed with the release of the latest Bond film. The pirated version of the film has sneaked into the grey market and DVDs are selling like hot cakes. However, with the film raking in such huge collection, it is clear that the Hindi movie viewer is slowly but surely shifting towards the sophisticated western drama on reel.
This alone doesn’t give us a true indication about success. Different cine-production players have come together to give the films a new lease of life.
Recently, the Yashraj banner released an animated film ‘Roadside Romeo’ directed by Jugal Hansraj. The Indian production house’s collaboration with Warner Brothers provided it the cutting edge technology in animation.
If Roadside Romeo won the best animation feature film award the entire credit does not go to the director Hansraj for creating the best animation movie.
The enthusiasm from this success is not confined to Hindi cinema only. It has spread it tentacles to regional cinemas as well.
One hopes that with such tie-ups, Indian viewers would experience world-class standard. At the same time such classy films should not be confined to the metropolitan cities alone.

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